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Add or update a listing Advertise with usThese non-profit organizations provide classes that classes combine at-home teaching with two or three on-campus days per week using a three-phase (Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric) approach. These schools typically offer professional teachers, detailed lesson plans for at-home days, training for parents, activities, transcripts, and standardized tests.
Trinity Classical School description a Christian, Classical, collaborative-style school which blends homeschooling with private Christian schooling and offers two on-campus days per week. grade levels PreK - 12th courses offered for home school students Language Arts, History, Life Science, Earth Science, Chemistry, Physics, Choir, Fine Arts, Math, Latin, Greek location / area of town Central / Memorial, Central / Heights mailing address 7941 Katy Freeway #110, Houston, TX 77024 campus address 4 locations: PK-4th at Heights Campus, 230 W 20th St, Houston, TX 77008 (Baptist Temple); PK-4th at Memorial Lower Campus, 825 Bering Drive, Houston, TX 77057 (Bethel Church); 5th-8th at Memorial Middle Campus, 900 Brogden Rd, Houston, TX 77024 (Chinese Baptist Church); 9th-12th at Memorial Upper Campus, 7401 Katy Freeway, Houston, TX 77024 (Houston's First Baptist Church) tuition $3,880 per year, $304 for elective other fees application $150, enrollment $500 registration begins October (for the following year) months classes meet Aug-May days of week classes meet Mon, Wed on-campus days per week per class two phone 281-656-1880 fax 713-893-6I34 email admissions [at] tcshouston.org website www.tcshouston.org
Katy Classical Academy description a university-style classical school using Christian, Biblically based, classical curriculum and teaching styles grade levels K - 12th courses offered for home school students History, Bible, English, Science, Math, PE, American Sign Language, Spanish, Art location / area of town West / Katy mailing address P.O. Box 1696, Cypress, Texas 77410 campus address 10000 Spring Green Boulevard, Katy, TX 77494 (Trinity Baptist Church) tuition $2,400 per year other fees application $100, registration fee $200, supply $225 registration begins February months classes meet Aug-May days of week classes meet Mon & Wed on-campus days per week per class two admissions contact Brenda Debor phone 713-494-0324 email [email protected] website www.katyclassicalacademy.com
Regina Caeli Academy description a Classical hybrid education in the Catholic tradition using Mother of Divine Grace curriculum grade levels PreK3 - 12th courses offered for home school students Religion, Math, English, Science, History, Latin, Music, Art, Drama, PE location / area of town Northwest / Spring, West / Katy mailing address 7810 Cypresswood Drive, Spring, TX 77379 campus address 7810 Cypresswood Drive, Spring, TX 77379 (St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church) tuition $2,060 to $4,120 per year other fees application $195, assessment $60, Iowa testing $50, gala $160, technology $195 registration begins ongoing months classes meet Aug-May days of week classes meet Mon, Thu on-campus days per week per class two admissions contact ongoing phone 281-698-0329 email [email protected] website www.rcahybrid.org/Centers/Houston_Texas
The Academy at Houston Baptist University description Dual-credit courses through a Great Books curriculum. Each class session is a Socratic discussion with the assumption of a Christian stance toward the texts. grade levels 6th - 12th courses offered for home school students Composition 1 / Great Books 1, Western Civilization / Great Books II, Intro to Philosophy / Great Books III, Composition II / Great Books IV, American History, Economics, Government location / area of town West / Sharpstown mailing address Houston Baptist University, Academy, UAC 115, 7502 Fondren Rd, Houston, TX 77074 campus address Houston Baptist University, 7502 Fondren Rd, Houston, TX 77074 tuition $1,000 per year per course other fees registration $50, technology $100 registration begins Jan 14 and Aug 25 months classes meet Aug-May, Jun-Aug days of week classes meet Mon-Fri on-campus days per week per class Mon-Thu phone 281-649-3211 / 800-969-3210 fax (281) 649-3217 email [email protected] website www.hbu.edu/the-academy/
Looking for an academic program with 2 campus days per week? Advertise with us
PreK-12 classes with Christian teachers. Tuition is $5,450 per year.
Attend a Monthly Info Meeting. Trinity Classical School of Houston
These non-profit organizations provide classes that combine at-home teaching with two or three on-campus days per week. Students can take one class or a full course load. These schools typically offer professional teachers, extracurricular activities, transcripts, and annual standardized tests.
Legacy Preparatory Christian Academy description a private, Christian, University-Model School that meets two or three day on campus per week. "University-Model" is a registered trademark of NAUMS, Inc. grade levels PreK - 12th courses offered for home school students Language Arts, Math, Science, History, Fine Arts, Spanish, Computer, Journalism location / area of town North / Magnolia mailing address 5150 FM 1488, Magnolia, TX 77354 campus address 5150 FM 1488, Magnolia, TX 77354 tuition $4,330 to $7,670 per year (full set of courses) other fees application ($60), testing ($40), enrollment ($150), program ($200 per family), books, uniform registration begins January months classes meet Aug-May days of week classes meet Mon, Wed, Fri on-campus days per week per class two or three admissions contact Jeana Francis phone 936-337-2000 fax 936-273-0641 or 936-273-4526 email jfrancis [at] legacypca.org website www.legacypca.org
Logos Preparatory Academy description a Christian school which combines in-school learning with the homeschool approach in a University-Model setting grade levels 1st - 12th courses offered for home school students English, History, Math, Science location / area of town Southwest / Sugar Land mailing address 13213 Southwest Freeway, Sugar Land, TX 77478 campus address 13213 Southwest Fwy, Sugar Land, TX 77478 (Sugar Creek Baptist Church) tuition $3,010 to $4,498 per year (full set of courses) or $257-$541 per semester course other fees application ($250), registration ($225) registration begins June months classes meet Aug-May days of week classes meet Tue, Thu (elementary); Mon, Wed, Fri (middle and high school) on-campus days per week per class two or three phone 281-565 6467 email [email protected] website www.logosprep.org
Southeast Christian School description Group classes which meet two days per week on campus using Alpha Omega curriculum. grade levels 6th -12th courses offered for home school students Bible, History, Geography, Language Arts, Math, Science location / area of town East / Mont Belvieu mailing address PO Box #202, Mont Belvieu, TX 77580 campus address 12319 Highway 146 Mont Belvieu, TX 77580 tuition $2,250 per year other fees $450 registration and books months classes meet Aug-May days of week classes meet Tue & Thu admissions contact Kelly Niemeier phone 281-732-5052 fax 281-582-7892 email [email protected] website southeastchristianschool.com
UHCL Art School for Children and Young Adults description UHCL Art School for children and young adults offers HS credit classes and non-credit classes for students in painting, drawing, ceramic, sculpture, digital arts, and more. grade levels K-12 courses offered for home school students Art location / area of town Southeast / South mailing address Arbor Building 1315, 2700 Bay Area Blvd, Box 154, Houston, TX 77058-1002 campus address Arbor Building 1315, 2700 Bay Area Blvd, Box 154, Houston, TX 77058-1002 tuition ($120-$425) other fees None, all materials included in class fees. registration begins 12/1/2023 (Spring 2024 is open) months classes meet January-December days of week classes meet Monday-Saturday. Depending on class, days vary. on-campus days per week per class 1-2 days a week. admissions contact David Moya phone 281-283-3344 email [email protected] website www.uhcl.edu/childrens-art-school/
Deep Waters Academy description Christian University-Model ® School that partners with parents. DWA combines the best attributes of homeschooling and traditional schooling and offers 2-3 days/week on campus. grade levels K-6 courses offered for home school students Language Arts (Reading, Writing, Literature), Math, Science, History, Fine Arts location / area of town Southeast / South mailing address P.O. Box #591515, Houston, TX 77062 campus address Hope Church: 770 Pineloch Dr. Houston, TX 77062 tuition $3000/year other fees $250 Enrollment fee registration begins February months classes meet Aug-May days of week classes meet Mon & Wed (Friday optional) on-campus days per week per class 2 phone 281-694-5582 email [email protected] website www.deepwatersacademy.org
Looking for an academic program with 2 campus days per week? Advertise with us
PreK-12 classes with Christian teachers. Tuition is $5,450 per year.
Attend a Monthly Info Meeting. Trinity Classical School of Houston
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